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The next evolution of VoiceQ


Encore Voices
Encore Voices

We recently caught up with CEO and Managing Director of Encore Voices, Charles Fathy, to get his thoughts on the future of localisation technology. Charles comments on the significant time economy in scheduling and recording while working on Jim Henson's Splash and Bubbles project using VoiceQ Navigator.

When was Encore Voices founded?
We founded Encore Voices in 2008.

What was the primary driver to set up the business?
Our goal was and still is to use all our resources in a creative way, including actors, directors, sound engineers etc. As a French actor and voice director in Los Angeles, it was easy for me to start a French dubbing company. Our company grew significantly, and we expanded our market to other European languages as well as English. We now have several projects running at the same time, in up to 5 languages.

See Splash and Bubbles in Action...

Encore Voices

What are the primary areas of the business?
Lip sync dubbing, voice-over, and audio description in 5 languages.

What are the key workflow problems to solve?
Pre-production (that includes asset management, translation, scheduling) is an important part of each project that requires organisation, time and planning. Recording requires accuracy, performance and time efficiency.

What are the key sector trends driving change?
Having a quick turn-around without sacrificing our high-quality standards, is definitely important to us. We want to be able to accept several large projects at once and deliver them in a competitive timeframe.

What are the key consumer trends driving change?
Having multiple choices in the viewing experience such as subtitles, closed caption, foreign language dubbing etc. The consumers want to have options so they can get the best experience according to their taste.

Why did you choose Voice Q as your solution?
Because there is no competition as far as Mac is concerned. We had been waiting for a good option compatible with Mac for many years. While searching for the perfect digital rythmo-band, we had tried VoiceQ in its early stages, about 8 years ago, but it wasn’t at the level we were looking for. We tried the 3.0 Series two years ago and we found the new improvements exceptional. We started using it immediately and have been doing 100% of our dubbing projects with VoiceQ since then.

Where does VoiceQ provide the most workflow value?
We found VoiceQoffers tremendous value in the pre-production process and recording process of our dubbing and audio description projects. The key metrics are time savings in studio and the level of accuracy we are able to achieve.

Project Case Study

Splash and Bubbles: TV Show Animation Dubbing in French

80 episodes of 12 minutes: 960 minutes total

14 Voices

Encore Voices


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